2024 Haddam Neck Fair Work Nights
Join the Fun and Lend a Hand!
Get ready to make a difference and be a part of something amazing! We're gearing up for the Haddam Neck Fair, and we need YOUR help to make it the best one yet. Come out and join our Volunteer Work Nights as we prepare for this incredible community event.
When: Wednesday Evenings starting 06.12 - the fair
Time: 6 - 8:30 PM
Where: Haddam Neck Fairgrounds
Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or a first-timer, there's a place for you! Meet new friends, learn new skills, and contribute to a cherished tradition.
Together, we can create an unforgettable fair experience for everyone.
Each year, The Haddam Neck Fair runs Labor Day Weekend. We are able to do this with the help of volunteers, not only at fair time but the 3 months leading up to the fair.
Every Wednesday night, starting June 12th at 6:00 pm, volunteers come to the fairgrounds and help with the different tasks and projects that need to be completed before the fair. Some of these tasks include general maintenance, painting, weeding, trimming, etc…
Entry level: Every Wednesday night, drop by the fair and lend a hand.
Mid level: Looking for a project to complete on your own schedule? We have various special projects that you can take charge of. Come to a Wednesday work night or email us for more information.
If Wednesday or nights don’t work for you, let us know and we can work around your schedule.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Questions? Contact info@haddamneckfair.com